The only video showing F. Matthias Alexander, the developer of the Alexander Technique teaching:

Below you will find videos of master teachers of the Alexander Technique. For the most part, they were trained by F. Matthias Alexander, the developer of the Technique.

A conversation with Marjory Barlow about the Technique and its history:

Master class with Marjory Barlow (1986):

Watch a 3 minute introductory video explanation of the Technique by Marjorie Barstow:

View the full video here – You will need to use the Password: AlexTech

Video of Marjorie Barstow teaching in 1986: Part 1Part 2Part 3Working with MusiciansConstructive thinkingFull Video (about 1 1/2 hours)

A growing collection of other videos showing Marjorie Barstow teaching can be seen here.

Very short video of Marjory Barlow explaining a key Alexander Technique concept

Longer video of Marjory Barlow visiting Micha Magadov’s training couse in 1999.  Lots of great footage of her talking about and demonstrating all sorts of basic Alexander Technique idea with man references to what F Matthias Alexander said and did.  Warning! The video is in desperate need of editing, especially at the beginning.  But worth the effort.

Marjorie teaching at the 1986 Stony Brook Congress

8 minute video of F. Matthias Alexander with members of his first teacher training course in the 1930s:

Video of Walter Carrington demonstrating saddle work, and an extended interview with Walter on a wide rage of Alexander Technique topics:

Video of Walter Carrington teaching a group class.  Short video showing Walter Carrington teaching.  Another short video showing Walter teaching.

Short video of Frank Pierce Jones teaching a year before his death

Short video of Dr Wilfred Barlow giving a table lesson

Video talk about the Technique by Ericka Whittaker.

Three videos showing Deborah Caplan teaching: First Lesson and Teaching in a Group and an excerpt from a longer video, Solutions for Back Pain

A 1987 film, a 1980 film, and a 1966 film showing Patrick Macdonald teaching.
Two 1970s films: Part 1 and Part 2 of Patrick Macdonald teaching.
1980 films of Patrick Macdonald talking about his lessons with F. M Alexander, becoming an Alexander Technique teacher, running an Alexander Technique training course, Inhibition, Direction, and his dismal view of the future of the Technique: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
1982 videos of Patrick Macdonald teaching Israel: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5

1989 film of Richard and Elizabeth Walker’s Alexander Technique teacher training course, and a discussion of their early experiences with the Technique and F M Alexander.

A 1970’s film of (mostly) Peter Scott teaching.  Another 1970’s film of Peter Scott’s Alexander Technique teacher training course.

1991 Film of Shmuel Nelken teaching

Introduction to the Alexander Technique with Don Burton – video footage from an Alexander Technique teacher training course

Video of 84-year old Alexander Technique teacher Ann Mathews giving a floor lesson